"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."What is an unalienable right? Can you list them?
The founders did not list all of our unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson emphasized a few of them when he wrote "that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Here is a list of your unalienable rights:
- The right of self-government.
- The right to bear arms for self-defense.
- The right to to own, develop, and dispose of property.
- The right to make personal choices.
- The right to free conscience.
- The right to choose a profession.
- The right to choose a mate.
- The right to beget one's kind.
- The right to assemble.
- The right to petition.
- The right to free speech.
- The right to a free press.
- The right to enjoy the fruits of one's labor.
- The right to improve one's position through barter and sale.
- The right to contrive and invent.
- The right to explore the natural resources of the earth.
- The right to privacy.
- The right to provide personal security.
- The right to provide nature's necessities -- air, food, water, clothing and shelter.
- The right to a fair trial.
- The right to free association.
- The right to contract.
Americans, if you have pledged to defend our Republic, then step up and take your rights back. Use the system as created by our founders to protect our freedoms. Contact your elected officials and demand that they honor their oaths of office and support the Constitution of these United States. Educate yourselves, your children, your relatives, your neighbors and spread forth the message of liberty.
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