Sunday, March 3, 2013

Who Can We Trust?

Who can we trust America? We can only trust those who support the constitutional republic that was established by our founding generation. Our Founders were highly educated and well read. They understood the law, the history of several governments and nations, and drew upon personal experiences of oppression and tyranny forced upon them when they crafted our new form of government.

It is our culture today to trust a policeman. We grow up believing that first responders are honest protectors. Many in our country seem to trust that the American system of government will ensure their rights and freedoms despite the rift between our two party system of evidence of corruption. For the most point, if someone wears a badge or is a Federal employee, we feel that they should be trusted. They are here to protect and serve us, right? So even if a little liberty is given up for security, it will be alright in the minds of most Americans.

Is it this mentality that has enabled us to reach this point in our country today? By that I mean, the continual loss of freedoms and liberties that were enjoyed by earlier generations. Do many Americans believe that the police, government, politicians, judges, firemen, etc. are not corruptible or human? Or, is it that most Americans are simply denying the obvious? I do believe that many are deceived by the silver tongued devils in the media.

Any amateur scholar of U.S. history will quickly note that many in the founding generation were very leery of giving up too much power and authority to any form of government.  
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. -Thomas Jefferson
There are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by the gradual and silent encroachment of those in  power, than by violent and sudden usurpation. -James Madison
Who do we trust with our rights and freedoms? Should we not heed the wisdom of those who freed us from tyrannical British rule? Are there examples of "too much government" today? Are there examples of "gradual and silent encroachment" among us? Sadly, yes there is.

As I mentioned above in regard to putting our trust into law enforcement or Federal agents, let's look at the Transportation Security Administration. Why was this agency created?
Following September 11, 2001, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created to strengthen the security of the nation’s transportation systems and ensure the freedom of movement for people and commerce. (Source:
First, let's look at the question of "too much government" in the following video where Professor James Otteson discusses the trade-off between liberty and security.

So yes, there is indeed a trade-off between security and liberty, but there is clearly evidence of "too much government" involvement. This debate over security and liberty reminds me what Benjamin Franklin once said:

They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
The government has gone too far in "keeping us safe." Despite the government's efforts to keep us safe from terrorism, they have not kept us safe from another threat, theft. In a recent report this year from ABC News, they reported that nearly 400 TSA officers were fired due to theft. Here is an example of how people use their positions of power to infringe upon the rights of others. If a TSA officer (with little authority compared to career politician) feels that he can steal from us, what could a higher authority be capable of?

What of the "gradual and silent encroachment of those in  power?" We are seeing more and more of this now in our nation. This is seen best in the attacks on our Bill of Rights. Let's start with the First Amendment and the recent H.R. 347 bill that was signed by the President.

What of the National Defense Authorization Act? Could this be considered as another encroachment? I feel it is just that.

What of the current movements to ban firearms and the Second Amendment? This is just one of many videos on this subject.

What of the unconstitutional Affordable Care Act?

What of the encroachments on what businesses can or cannot sell? Take for example New York's ban on 2-liter bottles of soda.

Now these encroachments are not limited to the past couple years. No, it has been happening for several decades now. Even our beloved Mr. Lincoln participated in the "gradual and silent encroachment"of power over Americans. However, if you watch the following interview of Dr. Tom DiLorenzo, you will even learn that these encroachments can be traced back to Alexander Hamilton himself.

Now you might remark on the fact that even one of the founding generation essentially contributed to the corruption in government that we experience today. That is how delicate and easily our freedoms can be taken away from us if we slack our watchful guard to protect them. This is exactly what many others like Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, etc. were warning us of.

So I ask you again, who can we trust? A better question to ask you might be, "What would it take for you to fight for your liberty?"

Liberty is a precious gift. It is also a very fragile gift. It can go away very quickly. Every person, I think, needs to ask very solemnly, what will it take, at what point would you be willing to fight for liberty?
I say we trust all Americans who has asked themselves this question and have decided that they are willing to fight for liberty. 

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