Friday, March 8, 2013

Crazy Gun Laws...A Push for Slavery?

There is a push in this country to destroy the Second Amendment. Why is that? It is because an elite class of people who cannot control or enslave our armed masses. Those who support stricter gun laws are either trying to control. The brain washed servants of the elite are unwittingly attempting to push forward their agenda of enslavement.

Some attack the right to bear arms as being a radical idea. The right to bear arms is not unique to the spirit of 1776. No, it was a right granted to Englishmen in the twelfth century by King Henry II. The King ordered that all Englishmen keep weapons to protect and defend his realm. It is from this decree that it became English common law. The right to bear arms is a concept that has been around for over 800 years.

But now our rights are threatened. Now many cry for "safety" in our streets, our schools, our country. They have this idea that if firearms are taken from everyone except the government, military, and police that we will be finally free from violent gun crimes. How wrong they are.

Over ten years ago, I worked on a living history farm that conducted educational school tour programs. While I was educating a school group on the importance of the Second Amendment and why it was guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, an old German woman chaperoning the students approached me. She told me that we "had to protect this right." The woman shared with me that she lived in Germany when it was taken over by the Nazi party. She explained to me that the first thing that the Nazis did was to take the weapons out of the hands of all the German citizens. The Nazis promised that the military and the police would protect them. The citizens believed their new government and willingly gave up their arms. She said because of that action, they were powerless to stop the atrocities that were committed upon them and others. "Never let them take your guns away from you," she pleaded with me, "Don't let what happened in Germany happen in America."

Well, here we are today. The same destructive promises are being made to us. The government is promising that a better, safer, violent-free world will result from our forfeiture of the Second Amendment. 

This attack on our right to defend our liberties is nothing new at all. This attack has roots back to April 1775 and with the events that led up to it. British Redcoats marched upon Lexington and Concord to arrest "rebel leaders," one of which being Samuel Adams, and to confiscate their weapons. The government sent their military out to suppress the liberty and freedoms of their people. What happened there that day gave birth to our sovereign States.

Another old example of gun control bent on pushing forward the agenda of slavery is as follows. Let's look to the year 1865 after the bloody war that had concluded between the States over the question of rights and freedoms. What law did the victorious Federal government institute in Mississippi? Read the Mississippi Black Code:
Section 1: No freedman, free negro, or mulatto, not in the military service of the United States government shall keep or carry fire-arms of any kind, or any ammunition.
Interesting, did the Federal army not just free the slaves from their chains of slavery and inequality? I was told in school that Lincoln initiated a war that cost the lives of over 600,000 Americans to free these people and guarantee their rights and Americans. Why then did the Federal government free these people after a bloody conflict and then quickly restrict their Second Amendment right?

But the attack on American's right to bear arms does not end there. No, even our children now are under attack for their "violent" tendencies.

In present times, even a young child can be punished for brandishing a pastry in the shape of a firearm. A young boy has been suspended for playing soldier, attempting to save the world, when he threw an imaginary grenade. A sweet little girl suspended for talking about a Hello Kitty bubble gun. Our children are being taught that firearms are bad, unless you are the "person in charge." You are to follow the rules or be punished.

 Look at these terrorist.

Listen to what Glenn Beck has to say on these crazy gun laws.

It is clear to me that our rights are being threatened. Our people are not being properly educated in civics or history and their ability to defend themselves is being taken away. Our freedom of speech is being assaulted. Our right against illegal search and seizure is being taken from us.
The Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals. It does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government. It is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizens' protection against the government. – Ayn Rand   
Wake up America and defend your rights, before they are all stripped away from you.

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