Sunday, February 24, 2013

The problem is, I'm the president of the United States, not the emperor.

"The problem is, I'm the president of the United States, not the emperor." 

That was an intentional "problem" created by the Founders to keep people from abusing their position of power. Without the addition of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution would most likely have not passed for fear of such a "problem." So, I am very thankful that our politicians feel hindered today by that "problem." I'm just worried that many people in government today are taking steps to resolve this "problem." 

If you have not read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, please do so now. If you are unfamiliar with the science of politics and the powers delegated to the Federal government, the States, and the People, please educate yourself. Familiarize yourself with the words of wisdom of men like Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, George Mason, etc. It is time that Americans learn the meaning of liberty and do everything in their power to ensure that we the people enjoy our rights and liberties that we were "endowed by [our] Creator;" those "certain unalienable rights, that among [them] are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." 

Take that new found knowledge and pay close attention to the words that are being said by our leaders. Then compare them to what you have learned. Do their words match up with those who created our democratic republic? 

Our government was created to secure the rights mentioned above. The government derives "their just powers from the consent of the governed." We are to be a check and balance with the States and the Federal government. Continue to foster the "problem" spoken of by the president.

There is no "problem" with the President not being the emperor of the United States. This is a land of liberty and there will not be a king or emperor to rule over it. That's not what I voted for. That's not what our Founders bled and died for either.  

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