Sunday, February 24, 2013

The problem is, I'm the president of the United States, not the emperor.

"The problem is, I'm the president of the United States, not the emperor." 

That was an intentional "problem" created by the Founders to keep people from abusing their position of power. Without the addition of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution would most likely have not passed for fear of such a "problem." So, I am very thankful that our politicians feel hindered today by that "problem." I'm just worried that many people in government today are taking steps to resolve this "problem." 

If you have not read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, please do so now. If you are unfamiliar with the science of politics and the powers delegated to the Federal government, the States, and the People, please educate yourself. Familiarize yourself with the words of wisdom of men like Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, George Mason, etc. It is time that Americans learn the meaning of liberty and do everything in their power to ensure that we the people enjoy our rights and liberties that we were "endowed by [our] Creator;" those "certain unalienable rights, that among [them] are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." 

Take that new found knowledge and pay close attention to the words that are being said by our leaders. Then compare them to what you have learned. Do their words match up with those who created our democratic republic? 

Our government was created to secure the rights mentioned above. The government derives "their just powers from the consent of the governed." We are to be a check and balance with the States and the Federal government. Continue to foster the "problem" spoken of by the president.

There is no "problem" with the President not being the emperor of the United States. This is a land of liberty and there will not be a king or emperor to rule over it. That's not what I voted for. That's not what our Founders bled and died for either.  

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Top Three Policy Reforms to Grow the Economy


The solutions are simple to grow our economy. I really think we need to get economist Jeffrey Miron of Harvard University to sit down with the President and Congress and share this message with them.

For all these difficulties and all these problems and all the recent upheaval, the US still has the most vibrant, the most potentially dynamic economy in the world. We can again be this huge engine of growth, be the country that everyone else wants to emulate, the place that competes with every business owner for the place to locate their business, if we simply can stop shooting ourselves in the foot. My name is Jeff Miron, I’m director of undergraduate studies in Economics, in the Department of Economics at Harvard University, and I would like to offer my 3 preferred policy proposals for helping the US economy grow and become vibrant again. First, we have to cut entitlements that is spending on programs, like Medicare, medicate and social security that are baked in the current policy and that are on the path to explode over the next several decades. Unless we cut those, we have no hope of getting our fiscal house in order because those are growing so much faster than everything else. Second policy proposal is to freeze regulation. The food and drug administration, the federal trade commission, the environmental protection agency, all these agencies, a huge alphabet soup in Washington are issuing new regulations that affect businesses and US economy every single day. And it’s not just that they’re enforcing existing stuff, they’re adding more and more new stuff. And that is crushing for businesses, because they constantly spend their resources trying just to comply with all these new stuff being thrown at them, rather than just making new products. We need to take a time out, freeze making any new regulations, and then take the time to evaluate what part of existing regulation is useful. Some of it indeed is, but what part is not useful, and a huge fraction of it is not, it is incredibly counterproductive. My third policy proposal is to scrap the existing tax code and replace it with the flat tax on consumption. We have to scrap the existing code because tinkering with it is just impossible. It’s so complicated. It’s so messy, if you just try to make small adjustments, it will go on forever. It will never really address the fundamental problems in the existing tax code. Second, we need to be taxing consumption, not income, because if we focus on taxing consumption, we will do much better job of encouraging saving and investment in the US economy, and that’s crucial for productivity, for building factories, for doing research and development, for innovating, and that’s what makes economies productive and fast growing over the long haul. Finally, we need to make it flat that is one simple rate that applies to everything. Because first that helps keep it simple. And second that just makes it so much easier for everyone to know what tax rate they face, what the consequences are of their actions vis-à-vis taxes, and therefore, they plan in a sensible consistent way, rather than having what happens now which is people spending huge amounts of effort and energy in trying to avoid taxes rather than just doing productive stuff and then paying taxes in a simple clean understandable way. So by simplifying the tax code, by rolling back regulation, and by getting our fiscal house in order, we have a much better playing field and rewards the people who do sensible, innovative, smart things, are successful in the marketplace, not the people who are insiders and politically connected to government.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Right to Bear Arms vs LA Riots

There are many reasons why we should maintain our right to bear arms. History is full of wonderful examples. Here is one great example not too far distant in our own past, the L.A. Riots (1992).
                The verdict that came with the Rodney King case led to one of the worst displays of urban unrest in American history. The incident began on April 29, 1992, and when it was all over, there were 53 people dead and an estimated $1 billion dollars in damage. 
                 But what of the violence that took place in the streets of Los Angeles that day? What of police protection and other emergency personnel? How did so many people die? How was so much property destroyed or stolen?
                First let us look at one interview with an actual looter. Hear his justification for his criminal actions during the riots.
                He is not the only one that thought this way. There are several videos on the internet that shows similar ordinary citizens with similar viewpoints towards their actions that day, “Because it’s free.”
                In the following video, you see all types of people looting. Many of whom look just like normal Los Angeles residents. These people do not look like gang members or your “typical” criminals. Also notice that when the police arrived, they arrested no one that they found looting that store in the video. So, neither were they able to protect the business owner’s property from looters and they did nothing to bring anyone to justice for their criminal actions.  During the news station interview with actor Edward James Olmos, he commented that during his drive over to the station that he saw a young man get his head blown off for no reason.
                 Countless people lost much during the riots; however, there were citizens who defended their rights and property with personal firearms. This is exactly one of the reasons why the Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment to the Constitution; so we would have the right to protect our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As we saw during the riots, the police was incapable of protecting these rights for everyone. Even the National Guard was needed to be called in to restore peace in the city. 
However, what of those during the riots who exercised their right to bear arms? The Koreans took to their arms and guarded their businesses and property. They also suffered much less damage and property theft than other businesses during the incident.
                After seeing all this, do you still think it is wise to disarm our law-abiding citizens? Would you feel safer living in a community where you and your neighbors were all unarmed? Would you feel safer knowing that only the police, military, and criminals were armed? I would not.
                Do you agree then with people like Piers Morgan, who are trying to push the agenda forward to take away your Second Amendment right? OneTruth4Life has put together a good little video that I feel drives my point home on this issue and puts people like Piers Morgan in their place.
                Do not let people like Piers Morgan destroy our liberties. Spread the message of liberty with your family, friends, and everyone who is willing to hear. Put the pressure on your elected officials and keep telling them to protect our Second Amendment right.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Get Ready for the New Cola Wars

So what now, a war on soft drinks? This type of government meddling will do absolutely nothing to solve the adverse health effects of drinking sugary drinks in America.

Earlier this week the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a group that regularly pushes for increased food regulations and considers soda to be “a slow-acting but ruthlessly efficient bioweapon,” announced it would be launching “a major action regarding the regulation of soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages.”
The major action turned out to be a petition CSPI submitted to the FDA requesting that the agency take action to restrict the amount of added caloric sweeteners like sugar and high fructose corn syrup in soda, juices, and other beverages. In its petition, CSPI also urges the agency to take action to limit the presence of such sweeteners in non-beverage foods.  (; Let Consumers Make Their Own Choices About Sugary Drinks )

All it's going to do is cost us more money for a war we will not win. Look at how successful prohibition was and the current war on drugs and poverty. These "wars" are costly and we are not winning them by no means.

So it would appear to me that some people are trying to create jobs for themselves to be paid in taxpayer's dollars. No thank you. Let the consumers decide whether or not they will buy these products. Educated consumers of the adverse health effects of these products will most likely not purchase them. In the end, those who still choose to drink them have the right to do so.

But it’s equally true that consumers have a right to make their own food choices, and that food producers deserve space within the commercial marketplace to meet that demand. And when a group seeks to use the power of government to restrict these basic freedoms after acknowledging the fact we have the power to change our own diets if we so wish, I have no choice but to point out its flawed logic and inconsistencies at every turn.
Now this is another beef I have with Obama care and government controlled health programs. If these people so choose to eat or live a lifestyle that is risky to their health or potentially dangerous, I don't think we should be forced to pay into a system to take care of them. So, since people have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, they also have the responsibility to take care of themselves. They should pay for it themselves. So then Federal government, how about you stop getting in the way of everyone's responsibility to take care of themselves?

It's our right to eat or drink what we want. I choose not to drink beverages that have high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, artificial colors or preservatives, because I know that they contribute to health problems like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. I know the consumption of these drinks can be harmful to us; however, I also cherish liberty. So, if someone wants to consume these products, let them do so. 

I agree with Milton Friedman when he said, "I'm in favor of legalizing drugs. According to my value system, if people want to kill themselves, they have every right to do so. Most of the harm that comes from drugs is because they are illegal." Be it drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or even surgery drinks, I say it's the individual's right to choose what they are going to do or consume. That's what freedom is all about. If we want Americans to act responsibly for themselves, we need to treat them like adults and let them make their own decisions. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Facts are stubborn things...

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
-John Adams at the Boston Massacre trail, 1770.

Please watch the following videos that range in topics from gun violence to the National Defense Authorization Act. After watching them, reflect upon the current call for action today on those issues. Are our government policies being driven by the dictates of our passions? What are the real facts and evidence? 

What's so great about Economic Freedom?

We need to limit the government and its negative influence on our economy. The more that the government regulates our businesses and our wages, the more we lose economic freedoms. Evidence shows that our government programs are not working as promised.

But what’s so great about economic freedom anyways? Watch the video to find out.

What of other meddling that will in no doubt hurt our economy? Let’s take a look at minimum wage laws. In his State of the Union address, Obama called for an hourly rate increase to $9 an hour by 2015. Well, who wouldn’t like to make more money an hour? Everyone would love to earn more money. However, there is a real big problem with minimum wages laws (see what happened in American Samoa).

“Minimum wage increases lead to higher unemployment among high school graduates, though, and significantly increase unemployment for the least skilled, least educated workers. The minimum wage may be a well-intentioned public policy, but it often hurts the workers most in need of help.”

We cannot allow the government to continue pushing for these destructive policies. The Declaration of Independence states that we “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” By our consent we instituted our government to “secure these rights.” Our economic freedom is under attack. These government policies are attacking our economic liberty and happiness and it needs to stop.
It’s time for us to use the system established by our Founders to reclaim our freedoms. Explain the fallacies of these policies to your friends and families. Spread the message of liberty to everyone you come in contact with. Contact your elected representatives. Make your voices heard.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dr. Benjamin Carson's Prayer Breakfast Speech, Feb. 7 2013.

[Benjamin Solomon "Ben" Carson, Sr. (September 18, 1951)] 
Dr. Benjamin Carson, a neurosurgeon and the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, offered an amazing speech at the Prayer Breakfast on February 7, 2013. President Obama was in attendance. 

Dr. Carson said what I think most Americans have been thinking for years now. His words are inspirational. It's refreshing to hear people like him say such things in front of the rulers of our nation. It reminded me of the boldness of Ron Paul's farewell speech to Congress last November. We need more people to stand up and be this bold.

Thank you so much. Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Mrs. Obama, distinguished guests - which included everybody. Thank you so much for this wonderful honor to be at this stage again. I was here 16 years ago, and the fact that they invited me back means that I didn't offend too many people, so that was great. [LAUGHTER]

I want to start by reading four texts which will put into I want to start by reading four texts which will put into context what I'm going to say.
Proverbs 11:9 With his mouth the Godless destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge the righteous escapes.

Proverbs 11:12 A man who lacks judgement derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue

Proverbs 11:25 A generous man will prosper. He who refreshes others will himself, be refreshed.

2nd Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.

You know, I have an opportunity to speak in a lot of venues. This is my fourth speech this week. and I have an opportunity to talk to a lot of people. And I've been asking people what concerns you? What are you most concerned about in terms of the spirituality and the direction of our nation and our world? And I've talked to very prominent democrats, very prominent republicans. And I was surprised by the uniformity of their answers. And those have informed my comments this morning. now, it's not my intention to offend anyone. I have discovered, however, in recent years that it's very difficult to speak to a large group of people these days and not offend someone. [laughter]

And people walk away with their feelings on their shoulders waiting for you to say something, ah, did you hear that? The pc police are out in force at all times. I remember once I was talking about the difference between a human brain and a dog's grain, and a man -- and a dog's brain, and a man got offended. You can't talk about dogs like that. [laughter] People focus in on that, completely miss the point of what you're saying. [laughter] And we've reached reach the point where people are afraid to actually talk about what they want to say because somebody might be offended. People are afraid to say Merry Christmas at Christmas time. Doesn't matter whether the person you're talking to is Jewish or, you know, whether they're any religion. That's a salutation, a greeting of goodwill. We've got to get over this sensitivity. You know, and it keeps people from saying what they really believe.

You know, I'm reminded of a very successful young businessman, and he loved to buy his mother these exotic gifts for mother's day. And he ran out of ideas, and then he ran across these birds. These birds were cool, you know? They cost $5,000 apiece. They could dance, they could sing, they could talk. He was so excited, he bought two of of them. Sent them to his mother, couldn't wait to call her up on mother's day, mother, mother, what'd you think of those birds? And she said, they was good. [laughter] He said, no, no, no! Mother, you didn't eat those birds? Those birds cost $5,000 apiece! They could dance, they could sing, they could talk! And she said, well, they should have said something. [laughter] And, you know, that's where we end up, too, if we don't speak up for what we believe. [laughter] And, you know, what we need to do -- [applause] what we need to do in this PC world is forget about unanimity of speech and unanimity of thought, and we need to concentrate on being respectful to those people with whom we disagree.

And that's when I believe we begin to make progress. and one last thing about political correctness, which I think is a horrible thing, by the way. I'm very, very come -- compassionate, and I'm not never out to offend anyone. But PC is dangerous. Because, you see, this country one of the founding principles was freedom of thought and freedom of expression. and it muffles people. It puts a muzzle on them. And at the same time, keeps people from discussing important issues while the fabric of this society is being changed. And we cannot fall for that trick. And what we need to do is start talking about things, talking about things that are important.

Things that were important in the development of our nation. one of those things was education. I'm very passionate about education because it's made such a big difference in my life. But here we are at a time in the world, the information age, the age of technology, and yet 30% of people who enter high school in this country do not graduate. 44% of people who start a four-year college program do not finish it in four years. What is that about? Think back to a darker time in this our history. Two hundred years ago when slavery was going on it was illegal to educate a slave, particularly to teach them to read. Why do you think that was? Because when you educate a man, you liberate a man. And there I was as a youngster placing myself in the same situation that a horrible institution did because I wasn't taking advantage of the education. I was a horrible student. Most of my classmates thought I was the stupidest person in the world. They called me dummy. I was the butt of all the jokes. Now, admittedly, it was a bad environment. single-parent home, you know, my mother and father had gotten divorced early on.

My mother got married when she was 13. She was one of 24 children. Had a horrible life. Discovered that her husband was a bigamist, had another family. And she only had a third grade education. She had to take care of us. Dire poverty. I had a horrible temper, poor self-esteem. All the things that you think would preclude success. But I had something very important, I had a mother who believed in me, and I had a mother who would never allow herself to be a victim no matter what happened. Never made excuses, and she never accepted an excuse from us. And if we ever came up with an excuse, she always said do you have a brain? And if the answer was, yes, then she said then you could have thought your way out of it. It doesn't matter what John or Susan or Mary or anybody else did or said. And it was the most important thing she did for my brother and myself. Because if you don't accept excuse, pretty soon people stop giving them, and they start looking for solutions. And that is a critical issue when it comes to success.

Well, you know, we did live in dire poverty, and one of the things that I hated was poverty. you know, some people hate spiders, some people hate snakes, I hated poverty. I couldn't stand it. [laughter] But, you know, my mother couldn't stand the fact that we were doing poorly in school, and she prayed and asked god to give her wisdom, what could she do to to to make her sons understand the importance of wisdom? God gave her wisdom. At least in her opinion. It was to turn off the tv, let us watch only two or three programs during the week, and read two books apiece and submit to her written book reports which she couldn't read, but we didn't know that. [laughter] She put check marks and highlights and stuff -- [laughter] But, you know, I just hated this. And my friends were out having a good time. her friends would criticize her. they would say you can't make boys stay in the house reading books, they'll grow up and hate you. and i would overhear them and say, you know, mother, they're right. but she didn't care.

You know. [laughter] after a while, I actually began to enjoy reading those books because we were very poor, but between the covers of those books I could go anywhere, I could be anybody, i could do anything. I began to read about people of great accomplishment, and as I read those stories, I began to see a connecting thread. I began to see that the person who has the most to do with you and what happens to you in life is you. You make decisions. You decide how much energy you want to put behind that decision. And I came to understand that I had control of my own destiny. And at that point I didn't hate poverty anymore, because I knew it was only temporary. I knew I could change that. it was incredibly liberating for me, made all the difference.

To continue on that theme of education, in 1831 Alexis de Toqueville came to study America. The Europeans were fascinated. How could a fledgling Nation, barely 50 years old already be competing with them on virtually every level. This was impossible. De Toqueville was going to sort it out and he looked at our government and he was duly impressed by the three branches of government - four now because now we have special interest groups, but it was only three back in those days. He said, WOW, this is really something, but then he said, but let me look at their educational system and he was blown away. See, anybody who had finished the second grade was completely literate. He could find a mountain man on the outskirts of society who could read the newspaper and have a political discussion, could tell him how the government worked.

If you really want to be impressed, take a look at the chapter on education in my latest book, America the Beautiful, which I wrote with my wife - it came out last year, and in that education chapter you will see questions extracted from a sixth grade exit exam from the 1800′s - a test you had to pass to get your sixth grade certificate. I doubt most college graduates today could pass that test. We have dumbed things down to that level and the reason that is so dangerous is because the people who founded this Nation said that our system of government was designed for a well-informed and educated populace, and when they become less informed, they become vulnerable. Think about that. That is why education is so vitally important.

Now some people say, ahhh, you're over blowing it, things aren't that bad, and you're a doctor, a neurosurgeon. Why are you concerned about these things? Got news for you. FIVE doctors signed the Declaration of Independence. Doctors were involved in the framing of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, in a whole bunch of things. It's only been since recent decades that we've extracted ourselves, which I think is a big mistake.

We need doctors, we needs scientists, engineers. We need all those people involved in government, not just lawyers...I don't have anything against lawyers, but you know, here's the thing about lawyers...I'm sorry, but I got to be to be truthful - what do lawyers learn in law school? To win, by hook or by crook. You gotta win, so you got all these Democrat lawyers, and you got all these Republican lawyers and their sides want to win. We need to get rid of that. What we need to start thinking about is, how do we solve problems?

Now, before I get shot, let me finish. I don't like to bring up problems without coming up with solutions. My wife and I started the Carson Scholars Fund 16 years ago after we heard about an international survey looking at the ability of eight graders in 22 countries to solve math and science problems, and we came out No. 21 out of 22. We only barely beat out Number 22 - very concerning.

We went to these schools and we'd see all these trophies: State Basketball, State Wrestling, this, that and the other. The Quarterback was the Big Man on Campus. What about the intellectual Superstar? What did they get? A National Honor Society pin? A pat on the head, there, there little Nerd? Nobody cared about them. And is it any wonder that sometimes the smart kids try to hide? They don't want anybody to know they are smart? This is not helping us or our Nation, so we started giving out scholarships from all backgrounds for superior academic performance and demonstration of humanitarian qualities. Unless you cared about other people, it didn't matter how smart you were. We've got plenty of people like that. We don't need smart people who don't care about other people.

We would give them money. The money would go into a Trust. They would get interest on it. When they would go to college they would get the money, but also the school gets a trophy, every bit as impressive as a sports trophy - right out there with the others. They get a medal. They get to go t a banquet. We try to put them on a pedestal as impressive as we do the All-State athletes. I have nothing against athletics or entertainment. I'm from Baltimore. The Ravens won. This is great - okay. But, but - what will maintain our position in the world? The ability to shoot a 25 foot jump shot or the ability to solve a quadratic equation? We need to put the things into proper perspective.

Many teachers have told us that when we put a Carson Scholar in their classroom, the GPA of the whole classroom goes up over the next year. It's been very gratifying. We started 16 years ago with 25 scholarships in Maryland, now we've given out more than 5,000 and we are in all 50 states, but we've also put in Reading Rooms. These are fascinating places that no little kid could possibly pass up. And uh, they get points for the amount of time they spend reading, and the number of books they read. They can trade the points for prizes. In the beginning they do it for the prizes, but it doesn't take long before their academic performance begins to improve.

And we particularly target Title One schools where the kids come from homes with no books and they go to schools with no libraries. Those are the ones who drop out. We need to truncate that process early on because we can't afford to waste any of those young people. You know, for every one of those people we keep from going down that path - that path of self-destruction and mediocrity, that's one less person you have to protect yourself and your family from. One less person you have to pay for in the penal or welfare system. One more taxpaying productive member of society who may invent a new energy source or come up with a cure for cancer. They are all important to us and we need every single one of them it makes a difference. And when you go home tonight read about it, carsonscholars,

Why is it so important that we educate our people? Because we don't want to go down the pathway as so many pinnacle nations that have preceded us. I think particularly about ancient Rome. Very powerful. Nobody could even challenge them militarily, but what happened to them? They destroyed themselves from within. Moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility. They destroyed themselves. If you don't think that can happen to America, you get out your books and you start reading, but you know, we can fix it.

Why can we fix it because we're smart. We have some of the most intellectually gifted people leading our Nation. All we need to do is remember what our real responsibilities are so that we can solve the problems. I think about these problems all the time, and my role, you know, model was Jesus. He used parables to help people understand things. And one of our big problems right now, and like I said, I'm not politically correct, so I'm sorry, but you know - our deficit is a big problem. Think about it. And our National Debt - $16.5 Trillion dollars - you think that's not a lot of money? I'll tell you what! Count one number per second, which you can't even do because once you get to a thousand it will take you longer than a second, number per second. You know how long it would take you to count to 16 Trillion? 507,000 years - more than a half a million years to get there. We have to deal with this.

Here's a parable: A family falls on hard times. Dad loses his job or is demoted to part time work. He has 5 children. He comes to the 5 children, he says we're going to have to reduce your allowance. Well, they're not happy about it but - he says, except for John and Susan. They're, they're special. They get to keep their allowance. In fact, we'll give them more. How do you think that's going to go down? Not too well. Same thing happens. Enough said.

What about our taxation system? So complex there is no one who can possibly comply with every jot and tittle of our tax system. If I wanted to get you, I could get you on a tax issue. That doesn't make any sense. What we need to do is come up with something that is simple.

When I pick up my Bible, you know what I see? I see the fairest individual in the Universe, God, and he's given us a system. It's called tithe. Now we don't necessarily have to do it 10% but it's principle. He didn't say, if your crops fail, don't give me any tithes. He didn't say, if you have a bumper crop, give me triple tithes. So there must be something inherently fair about proportionality. You make $10 Billion dollars you put in a Billion. You make $10 you put in $1 - of course, you gotta get rid of the loopholes, but now now some people say, that's not fair because it doesn't hurt the guy who made $10 Billion dollars as much as the guy who made $10. Where does it say you have to hurt the guy. He's just put in a billion in the pot. We don't need to hurt him.

It's that kind of thinking - it's that kind of thinking that has resulted in 602 banks in the Cayman Islands. That money needs to be back here, building our infrastructure and creating jobs - and we're smart enough - we're smart enough to figure out how to do that.

We've already started down the path to solving one of the other big problems, health care. We need to have good health care for everybody. It's the most important thing that a person can have. Money means nothing, titles mean nothing when you don't have your health, but we've got to figure out efficient ways to do it. We spend a lot of money on health care, twice as much per capita as anybody in else in the world, and yet not very efficient. What can we do?

Here's my solution. When a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record and a health savings account [HSA], to which money can be contributed, pre-tax from the time you are born, to the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members so that when you're 85 years old and you've got 6 diseases, you're not trying to spend up everything. You're happy to pass it on and nobody is talking about death panels. That's number one. Also -

For the people who are indigent, who don't have any money, we can make contributions to their HSA each month because we already have this huge pot of money instead of sending it to bureaucracy - let's put it into HSAs. Now they have some control over their own health care and what do you think they're going to do? They're going to learn very quickly how to be responsible. When Mr. Jones gets that diabetic foot ulcer, he's not going to the Emergency Room and blowing a big chunk of it. He's going to go to the Clinic. He learns that very quickly - gets the same treatment. In the Emergency Room they send him out. In the Clinic they say, now let's get your diabetes under control so that you're not back here in three weeks with another problem. That's how we begin to solve these kinds of problems. It's much more complex than that, and I don't have time to go into it all, but we can do all these things because we are smart people.

And let me begin to close here - another parable: Sea Captain, and he's out on the sea near the area where the Titanic went down. And they look ahead and there's a bright light right there - another ship he figures. He tells his signaler to signal that ship: deviate 10 degrees to the South. Back comes the message, no you deviate 10 degrees to the North. Well, he's a little bit incensed  you know. He says, send a message, this is Captain Johnson, deviate 10 degrees to the South. Back comes the message, this is Ensign 4th Class Reilly. Deviate 10 degrees to the North. Now Captain Johnson is really upset. He says send him a message, this is a Naval Destroyer. Back comes the message, this is a Lighthouse. Enough said.
Now, what about the symbol of our Nation? The Eagle. The Bald Eagle. It's an interesting story how we chose that but a lot of people think we call it the bald eagle because it looks like it has a bald head. That's not the reason It comes from the Old English word Piebald, which means crowned with white. And we just shortened it to bald. Now, use that the next time you see somebody who thinks they know everything. You'll get 'em on that one.

But, why is that eagle able to fly, high, forward? Because it has two wings: a left wing and a right wing. Enough said.

And I wanna close with this story: two hundred years ago this Nation was involved in a war, the war of 1812. The British, who are now our good friends thought that we were young whippersnappers. It was time for us to become a colony again. They were winning that war and marching up the Eastern Seaboard, destroying city after city, destroying Washington D.C., burned down the White House. Next stop Baltimore. As they came into the Chesapeake Bay, there were armadas of war ships as far as the eye could see. It was looking grim. Fort. McHenry standing right there. General Armisted, who was in charge of Fort. McHenry, had a large American flag commissioned to fly in front of the Fort. The Admiral in charge of the British Fleet was offended, said take that flag down. You have until dusk to take that Flag down. If you don't take it down, we will reduce you to ashes.

There was a young amateur poet on board by the name of Francis Scott Key, sent by President Madison to try to obtain the release of an American physician who was being held captive. He overheard the British plans. They were not going to let him off the ship. He mourned. As dusk approached he mourned for his fledgling young Nation, and as the sun fell, the bombardment started. Bombs bursting in air. Missiles, so much debris  He strained, trying to see, was the flag still there? Couldn't see a thing. All night long it continued. At the crack of dawn he ran out to the banister  He looked straining his eyes all he could only see dust and debris.

Then there was a clearing and he beheld the most beautiful sight he had ever seen - the torn and tattered Stars and Stripes still waving. And many historians say that was the turning point in the war of 1812. We went on to win that war and to retain our freedom and if you had gone onto the grounds of Fort. McHenry that day, you would have seen at the base of that flag, the bodies of soldiers who took turns. Propping up that flag, they would not let that flag go down because they believed in what that flag symbolized. And what did it symbolize? One Nation, under God, [applause] indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you. God Bless.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Retail Workweek Hits 3-Year Low In ObamaCare Shift

What happened when the British Parliament passed the Molasses Act (1733)? American colonists started to smuggle molasses and paid off the customs officers.

What happened when the government passed the Eighteenth Amendment establishing prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s? An underground black market was created, organized crime was rampant, and police officers, lawyers, politicians, etc. were bought and paid for.

What happened with the establishment of the war on drugs? An underground black market was created like in the prohibition era. Even now, drugs cannot even be kept out of our prisons, which are tightly controlled. Not too mention our prison population is off the charts with "drug offenders." Another unnecessary drain on our taxes.

What happened with the establishment of minimum wage? Employees were laid off and workloads increased for the remaining employees. In other cases, business went overseas where the labor markets were cheaper.

Is it no surprise then, with the passing of ObamaCare that employers are cutting full-time employment to avoid paying for health insurance for their employees. Now these employees will be working less hours and making less money. These employees will have to find a second job to make up for the loss in their wages. They still will not have health care and will then be forced to pay for it themselves or pay the fine.

This government meddling has failed to provide health care for all Americans as it was intended to do. As a result, it is creating even more labor problems for all Americans and ruining our economy.

Not too mention, the passing of this law was outside the powers granted to Congress by the Constitution. Thus ObamaCare is not Constitutional, therefore it is not a law. Support your states to nullify this unconstitutional law. Defend your rights and support the Ninth and Tenth Amendments.